Elk Grove Babe Ruth League Donations

In an effort to keep the cost of player participation down and to promote community involvement, the Elk Grove Babe Ruth Baseball League often seeks financial support for various league projects and operations, and provide team uniforms and equipment. 

Elk Grove Babe Ruth Baseball League tax ID# 68-0151729. The league is exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your donation (or portion thereof) may be tax deductible. Please check with your tax advisor.

Please select the fundraiser, donation level, or team sponsorship options from the list below.

For Team or other League Sponsors/Donations
Please fill in the information form HERE, before proceeding to the payment item below.  
The form will return you to this page and you can refresh it HERE.

For the Golf Fundraiser
Please fill in the information form HERE, before proceeding to the payment item below.  
The form will return you to this page and you can refresh it HERE.
Please be advised that payment through the website links below will include an additional small processing fee.  
You can also pay offline by check.  The check should be made out to EGBRB and mailed to: 
EGBR Treasurer 
P.O. BOX 1626 
Elk Grove, CA. 95759.  
Be sure to indicate on the check memo line what it is for.
Donation GridDonation Quantity
Team Sponsorship $500.00 Per Item
Team Sponsor for EGBR Spring, Fall and 16-18 Leagues
League or Season
Division & Team Sponsored
General Cash Donations
Use this item for general cash donations to the league, of any amount $25 to $10,000.
Donation primarily for?

(Enter amount from $25.00 to $10,000.00)
Golf 2024 - Single Golfer $125.00 Per Item
2024 Golf Tournament single player fee
Lead Golfer / Payer Name
Golf 2024 - Two Golfers $250.00 Per Item
2024 Golf Tournament 2 player fee
Lead Golfer / Payer Name
Golf 2024 - Three Golfers $375.00 Per Item
2024 Golf Tournament 3 player fee
Lead Golfer / Payer Name
Golf 2024 - Foursome $450.00 Per Item
2024 Golf Tourney four player fee
Add Hole Sponsorship
Lead Golfer / Payer Name
Golf 2024 - Hole Sponsorship $100.00 Per Item
2024 Golf Tournament Home Run Hole Sponsorship by itself.
Contact name & number