Golf Tournament Form

18th Annual Elk Grove Babe Ruth Golf Tournament - Now Active!



Elk Grove Babe Ruth Baseball is hosting its eighteenth annual golf tournament to raise funds for the league.  Put down your baseball bat and break out the clubs!  This year’s tournament will be a 4-person scramble format with Callaway style handicap adjustment.  Prizes will be awarded. Shotgun start per course rules. Luncheon and raffle to follow.  The day will include a 'Closest to Pin' contest, 'Mulligans' to help your team go low, and a raffle and silent auction with great prizes will be awarded at the banquet. Come join us for some great fun!!


This year’s banquet includes Tri Tip, BBQ Chicken, rolls macaroni salad or potato salad, and green salad with iced tea and lemonade.  Beer and other drinks are available for purchase.

When:   Sunday, April 27, 2025

Where:  Bing Maloney Golf Course  6801 Freeport Blvd., Sacramento                            

Time:    Shotgun Start at 8:30 a.m. (Check-in begins at 7:30 a.m.)

Cost:     $160 per person (includes greens fees, cart, lunch, and gift) or $580 for a foursome

Please support our league by taking advantage of the following sponsorship opportunities:

Individual Hole Sponsorship $100.  Or optional Hole Sponsorship with purchase of golf foursome for $50.

The costs and options are as follows:

>    _____ Golfers  X  $160 each  =   __________(and/or)

>    Home Run Sponsor @ $100 (Hole Sponsorship ONLY)

>    Three Golfers $480    

>    Foursome $580.                             

>    Foursome w/sponsor @ $630 (Includes 4 Golfers)

Elk Grove Babe Ruth Baseball League tax id# 68-0151729. The league is exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your donation (or portion thereof) may be tax deductible. Please check with your tax advisor.  Please keep a copy of this completed form for your records.

Please fill in the registration form below to register online, no later than Friday April 18, 2025 (sponsors please return by Friday April 11, 2025, to ensure that the tee box sign can be printed).  When you submit this form it will return you to the payment page where you can elect to pay online (small processing fee added), or you can pay offline by check as indicated below. If you are submitting or mailing later than April 18, also call Joe Matlen 916-747-6252 with your information in case it arrives late.

You may also download the PDF Golf Registration Form HERE and fill it in offline and pay with a check made payable to EGBR Baseball, and mailed to:

P.O. Box 1626
Elk Grove, CA  95759


Please direct any questions to Joe Matlen (916) 747-6252. 

Number of Golfers
(See cost options and select at checkout)
Hole Sponsorship?
Hole Sponsor - Company Name
(Will also need sponsor to provide logo for tee box signage)
Golfer 1 Name
Golfer 1 Email Address
Golfer 1 Phone Number
Golfer 1 Attending Luncheon?
Golfer 2 Name
Golfer 2 Email Address
Golfer 2 Phone Number
Golfer 2 Attending Luncheon?
Golfer 3 Name
Golfer 3 Email Address
Golfer 3 Phone Number
Golfer 3 Attending Luncheon?
Golfer 4 Name
Golfer 4 Email Address
Golfer 4 Phone Number
Golfer 4 Attending Luncheon?

Required Fields