If wait-list status, still sign up. Working on adding one more team. If wait-listed, still attend tryouts. This 2025 Spring registration session will allow you to complete contact information, sign up for participation, and submit payment. Regular spring season fees are $250 includes 22 games, jersey, a team cap, socks, fundraising tickets, pizza card, cost of umpires and park fees. Supplemental players join the league late, usually after their high school season is over, and get 11 games for $200.
To complete registration through our secure site, please have your Visa or MasterCard information available. Also, please have a PDF copy or photograph of a recent utility bill showing your address and zip code that we will need you to upload.
For Spring 2025, we are accepting applicants for league ages 12 to 16. Birth date range is 5/1/08 to 4/30/12 (League age 12 year-olds, who are birth date range 5/1/12 to 4/30/13, must obtain permission from their local Cal Ripken League to play up in Elk Grove Babe Ruth). Players new to the league or Team Sideline will need to provide a PDF COPY of their birth certificate. League 16-year-olds with birth dates from 5/1/08 to 4/30/09 will have pitching limits.
The Spring Season will consist of 22 games (typically one weekday and one Saturday game each week, but some weeks will have three games). Tryouts will be the first two weekends in February, the draft in late February, practices will start in March, and games will start March 29. The season will end approximately June 7, followed by a week of playoffs. Tryouts are a tool to distribute talent evenly, no players will be cut. Click More Info for FAQs.